Micro Management

Julia Logan


Contact to book Julia Logan


A singer-songwriter who writes less about herself than about the struggles of others, her debut album deals with the loss of her uncle and those who can’t seem to get their minds straight and lives right in a world that seems to be careening out of order. She finds her beauty in small moments of human longing—to connect, to love, to understand. With a voice at once both comforting and piercing she seems to be calling for simpler, slower, and more forgiving times. It’s not surprising that her music reminds us of the likes of Karen Dalton and Jim Ford, artists who also searched for solace, sincerity, and quiet human understanding in chaotic and loud times.

Growing up on a small Swedish island outside of Stockholm, she got her start singing in a local church choir. After spending a few of her teenage years in southern California where her mother’s from, she learned the guitar from a local trust fund hippie and started writing and did so for years on her own in her room. The music heard on the record was made in close collaboration with Daniel Bengtson of Studio Rymden, and together with Kyle Crane, drums (Daniel Lanois, Neko Case, M. Ward, Bon Iver), Peter Morén, guitar (Peter, Bjorn and John), and budding, young star Sofia Kristensen on piano, they’ve made an atmospheric and mellifluous album that is sure to make you shut up and listen in a world that can’t stop talking.


“Julia Logan's wistfully acoustic songwriting has a charm all of its own. The Stockholm based talent has a breezy sound, one that matches the seasonal delights Autumn has to offer.”
-Robin Murray, CLASH

"The result ["River Run"] is a gentle folk-ish song that gently sparkles, and exudes an encompassing warmth. And yes there is a Seventies feel to the sound and more importantly the mood of the song."
-Jonathan Aird, Americana UK

“The song [“To Be True”] blossoms like a new morning, sunlight reflecting off its rhythmic angles and tones, vividly illuminating everything within a hundred yards.”
-Joshua Pickard, Beats Per Minute

“The sound of delicate acoustic finger-picking, and we’re heading to gorgeous Sweden…contemplative lyrics and a hooky chorus that will delight lovers of intimate indie folk.”
-Camilla Aisa, Shindig Magazine


  • Collaborations with Nina Persson (The Cardigans) and Peter Morén (Peter Bjorn and John)

  • Debut LP Everly Foreverly released in late January '22

  • Music coverage in CLASH, Beats Per Minute and Ditty TV.

  • Performed as support for Courtney Marie Andrews, Neko Case, Ludwig Hart, Albin Lee Meldau, and Trummor & Orgel.

  • Performed at Stockholm Americana Festival and Storsjöyran

  • Performed in the studio with Shout Out Louds and First Aid Kit



